Hey friends of the Hive,
Did you know that making mead is the most water efficient way to produce alcohol? You do now! We’re fortunate to be located next to the largest fresh water system in the world, the great lakes, and at times take our vast freshwater stores for granted. But after last summer’s drought, water has been on our mind lately.
If you’re anything like us, the scene of lush green fields is quintessential Wisconsin.The drought last summer meant crispy, brown grass and more importantly struggling crops. Ayla worried that the bees wouldn’t be able to find enough nectar, but they are scrappy and found the plants producing nectar despite the lack of rain. Interestingly, the mint plants didn’t seem to mind the drought and produced nectar all summer long (see photo above)...which is why you might have tasted a hint of mint in your hive honey jar.
Being the curious science nerd, Ayla looked into the amount of water used to make alcohol from crop (wheat, corn, cane sugar, grapes, etc.) to glass. Most of these crops are irrigated, increasing the water needed to make beer, wine & distilled spirits. Since the bees supplying our honey visit flowers watered only by rain, no additional water is required to make our honey. Let’s drink to that!
Never content with the status quo, we want to be more responsible with our water consumption and are looking into ways to reclaim the water we use in the brewing process. Bee on the lookout for more information about our water conservation/reclamation efforts later in 2022.
If you didn’t have enough reason to visit the Taproom this weekend, know that drinking our cold, dry, carbonated mead is the most water-responsible to way to drink. As always, toast to the bees!
Ayla & Tim
For further reading about water footprint and crops, check out these links: