Back when Tim and I were young, carefree, and convinced that we’d live forever, our approach to food was... let's just say, less than mindful. We weren’t strangers to quick and convenient meals—pizza and sandwiches were regular fixtures on our dinner table. While not inherently bad, these meals became the norm far more often than was good for us. Over time, I started noticing the effects, especially with my family history of celiac disease. My gluten intolerance worsened, and my health took a nosedive. A relentless sinus infection finally served as the wake-up call I needed. It became clear that being busy was no longer an excuse to deprioritize eating well. Our bodies have a way of getting our attention, one way or another.
But what does "eating well" actually mean? In a culture obsessed with the latest fad diets—whether it’s low-fat, low-carb, or keto—it can be hard to know. And while the idea of an all-chocolate diet might sound tempting (though not real, unfortunately), true wellness requires a more intentional approach.
Tim and I began to meet local farmers who were deeply committed to their craft. We learned about the benefits of pasture-raised animals—how the quality of the food those animals eat directly impacts the quality of the food we eat. For instance, the cholesterol levels in mass-produced eggs differ significantly from those in eggs laid by chickens on pasture. This discovery led us to reevaluate our diet.
As the years passed, we became more in tune with our bodies. We noticed that how we ate significantly influenced how we felt. Gradually, our diet transformed. Today, it includes organic vegetables—many from our own jungle of a garden, eggs from our pastured chickens, and meat from animals raised on pasture. We’re not perfect, and that’s not the goal. The goal is to nourish our bodies with a variety of vegetables, fruits, gluten-free grains, and animal products from animals that were raised on pasture, out in the sunshine.
If you’re like us and prioritize eating as though your health depends on it—because it does—you likely consider what you drink just as carefully. For many, alcohol is a way to relax, to socialize, to celebrate, or all of the above. But just as we’ve learned to be intentional about what we eat, it’s time to be intentional about what we drink as well.
Enter The Hive’s sparkling mead. Made with 100% raw honey and real ingredients, it’s a beverage that aligns with the values of clean eating. We don’t add any extra junk because we believe that what you drink should be as pure and beneficial as what you eat.
So, as you continue your journey toward better health, remember this: it’s not just about the food you eat, but also the beverages you choose. When you enjoy a drink, choose one that supports your health and well-being. With The Hive’s sparkling mead, you can raise a glass to your health—intentionally. Cheers to making choices that make you feel good, both today and tomorrow!

Photo credit: Kayla Hurst Photography